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Abstract GNNs have potential in graph representation learning Standard GNNs have two major limitations ViT/MLP-Mixer architectures can solve these limitations but increase computational cost Graph MLP-Mixer captures long-range dependency and mitigates over-squashing Graph MLP-Mixer is faster and more memory efficient than related models Graph MLP-Mixer is highly expressive and can distinguish non-isomorphic graphs Paper Content Generalizing vit/ml-mixer to graphs overcome mp-gnn limitations MLP-Mixer architecture is designed to capture long-range interaction while keeping low computational cost Generalizing MLP-Mixer from grids and sequences to arbitrary graph topology is challenging Main contribution is to design a novel GNN architecture that captures long-range interaction, keeps low computational complexity, and is isomorphically expressive GNNs have linear learning/inference complexities but low representation power and poor long-range dependency Graph MLP-Mixer overcomes the computational bottleneck of Graph Transformers and solves the issue of long-distance dependency Competitive results on multiple benchmarks Capacity to capture long-range dependency with SOTA performance while keeping low complexity Forms a bridge between CV, NLP and graphs under a unified architecture Generalization challenges MLP-Mixer is adapted from images to graphs Table 1 summarizes the differences between standard MLP-Mixer and Graph MLP-Mixer Graphs cannot be uniformly divided into similar patches across all examples in the dataset Graph patches need to be transformed into a fixed-length vectorial representation Graph patches are unordered and nodes in graph tokens are naturally unordered MLP-Mixer architectures are known to be strong overfitters Overview Graph MLP-Mixer is a computer science architecture Graph MLP-Mixer is composed of a patch extraction module, patch embedding module, mixer layers, global average pooling layer, and a fully-connected layer Graphs are represented by a set of nodes (V) and edges (E) Graphs have a pre-defined number of patches (P) Graph-level vectorial representation (h G ) and graph-level target (y G ) are used for prediction Patch extraction MLP-Mixer can be generalized to graphs by extracting patches....