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  • Past work has shown gains from multimodal cues.
  • LC-PCFG outperforms previous multimodal methods on unsupervised constituency parsing.
  • LC-PCFG results in a 50% reduction in parameter count and speedups in training time.
  • Extralinguistic signals may not be needed for unsupervised grammar induction.

Paper Content


  • Recent work has shown that unsupervised grammar induction can be improved by pairing text data with extralinguistic inputs such as images, videos, audio or facial semantics
  • There is limited evidence for the hypothesized import of this grounding signal from other modalities into text
  • Large language models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of natural language processing tasks
  • LLMs often have surprisingly more detailed understanding of object-oriented concepts and physical mechanics of the world
  • In this work, it is examined whether LLMs obviate the need for extralinguistic data in unsupervised constituency parsing
  • LC-PCFG, an LLM-based text-only model, outperforms state-of-the-art multi-modal systems on both image and video benchmarks
  • Adding visual signals to LC-PCFG does not further improve performance, suggesting that the benefits of multi-modal signals may be redundant with the benefits of using embeddings learned by LLMs

Unsupervised parsing

  • Unsupervised parsing is the task of inducing syntactic structure from text.
  • Many methods for unsupervised parsing rely on signals from text alone.
  • Recent work suggests that multi-modal signals may be needed for accurate grammar induction.
  • Prior work has argued that visual features can facilitate identification of syntactic constituents.
  • Subsequent studies showed that adding visual and auditory features to word embeddings can improve model performance.

Llm representations for unsupervised parsing

  • Recent advances in large pretrained language models have improved performance on downstream tasks, including syntactic parsing
  • Prior work has focused on text-only baselines with weaker lexical representations
  • Current pretrained language models could obviate the need for multimodal grounding for unsupervised parsing
  • Goal of statistical grammar induction is to automatically induce syntactic structure over a text corpus
  • Compound Probabilistic Context-Free Grammars (C-PCFGs) used as a testbed
  • LC-PCFGs use LLM representations to boost C-PCFG performance without multimodal regularization
  • LLM features can help improve performance of C-PCFG models, making the addition of multimodal regularization losses redundant


Image-assisted parsing

  • LC-PCFG compared to VG-NSL and VC-PCFG
  • Evaluated on MSCOCO 2014 dataset
  • Preprocessing included lowercasing and replacing numbers with “N”
  • Captions greater than 45 words removed
  • LC-PCFG used OPT-2.7B backbone to extract token-level embeddings
  • LC-PCFG achieved highest overall corpus-level F1 and sentence-level F1
  • LC-PCFG maintained comparable runtime and reduced model size by 85%
  • LC-PCFG had right-branching bias
  • Adding LLM embeddings to VC-PCFG reduced performance

Video-aided parsing

  • LLMs help unsupervised parsing compared to image-regularized models
  • Images are static and often fail to reflect all constituents in sentences
  • Prior work has found greater gains leveraging multiple modalities found in video
  • F-1 scores used to compare parsing results
  • 3 benchmark video datasets used for experiments
  • Results show that learning from large-scale video data enables stronger and more robust performance
  • Model trained with captions from HowTo100M dataset
  • Model trained with YouCook2 dataset outperformed by model trained with HowTo100M dataset
  • Model trained with HowTo100M dataset outperforms models trained with multiple modalities
  • Model trained with HowTo100M dataset requires less computation than other state-of-the-art methods


  • Investigated whether multimodal grounding is necessary for unsupervised constituency parsing
  • Compared performance of multi-modal models to LC-PCFG, a text-only model
  • LC-PCFG performs as well as previous multi-modal models
  • Challenging the notion that multi-modal signals are necessary for unsupervised grammar induction
  • Replacing paired-modality datasets with large text-only corpora
  • Significant parsing gains with large-language model (LLM) sentence embeddings
  • State-of-the-art performance achieved by the use of LLM features without requiring multimodal regularization