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  • Large language models can use chain-of-thought prompting to find answers.
  • Creating many prompts by hand is costly.
  • Synthetic prompting uses a few handcrafted examples to generate more examples.
  • Synthetic prompting alternates between backward and forward processes.
  • Evaluations show Synthetic prompting outperforms existing prompting techniques.

Paper Content


  • Few-shot demonstrations can enable LLMs to perform tasks without fine-tuning
  • Chain-of-thought prompting can further improve LLMs’ performance
  • Quality of demonstrations is important for complex reasoning tasks
  • SYNTHETIC PROMPTING augments a limited set of demonstrations with self-synthesized examples
  • In-cluster complexity based scheme is proposed to select diverse and informative demonstrations
  • SYNTHETIC PROMPTING achieves up to 15.6% absolute gains over state-of-the-art methods
  • LLMs can learn to perform tasks by mimicking in-context demonstrations
  • Instruction tuning trains a language model on diverse tasks to generate desirable outputs
  • In-context learning-based applications include text generation, dialogue generation, and resource construction
  • Chain-of-thought prompting prompts LLMs to arrive at an answer after a step-by-step reasoning process
  • Metrics for selecting demonstrations include diversity, reasoning complexity, and similarity with a test input
  • Knowledge distillation from LLMs into symbolic knowledge is possible

Synthetic prompting


  • LLMs can be used to perform reasoning tasks with a few examples
  • A backward-forward procedure is used to automatically synthesize more examples
  • During inference, the LLM is prompted with self-synthesized demonstrations
  • A new scheme is used to ensure diversity and informativeness of the demonstrations

Example synthesis phase

  • Automatically synthesize more examples by repeating a backward-forward process
  • Each synthetic example is a question and reasoning chain pairs
  • Reasoning chains are snippets of code, answers are obtained by executing the code
  • Backward process generates a reasoning chain and then a question
  • Question is conditioned on a given topic word, target reasoning complexity, and self-generated reasoning chain
  • Forward process generates a more precise reasoning chain for the question
  • Question and reasoning chain constitute a synthetic example
  • Topic words control the type of reasoning
  • Target complexity controls the complexity of the synthesized questions
  • Majority voting used to ensure answer is confident

Inference phase

  • Selecting demonstrations based on complexity can improve model performance
  • Selecting demonstrations based on similarity may introduce biases
  • Selecting demonstrations that are complementary to each other may help the model fuse knowledge
  • Proposed an in-cluster complexity based scheme to select demonstrations that are both complex and complementary


  • Prompting baselines use all provided gold examples to construct prompts for inference.
  • Synthetic prompting and its variants synthesize examples using the provided examples.
  • 8 synthetic demonstrations are selected based on in-cluster complexity.
  • Seed examples and synthetic prompts are provided in the Supplementary Materials.


  • Direct prompting prompts LLMs to generate answers with input-answer pairs.
  • Chain-of-thought prompting prompts LLMs to generate natural language reasoning steps followed by an answer.
  • PAL prompting is a variant of chain-of-thought prompting that improves reasoning with structured code.
  • Vanilla Synthetic Prompting synthesizes new questions by mimicking seed questions.

Implementation details

  • Used PAL-style reasoning chains
  • Used InstructGPT for synthesis and inference
  • Used top-p sampling for synthesis and greedy decoding for inference
  • Annotated seed examples with CoT-style and PAL-style reasoning chains
  • Repeated backward-forward synthesis for 1,000 times
  • Used all-mpnet-base-v2 encoder for clustering

Main results

  • Increasing the number of seed examples from 2 to 8 does not significantly improve performance.

Quality analysis of synthetic examples

  • Evaluated 25 random examples synthesized by SYNTHETIC PROMPTING and vanilla SYNTHETIC PROMPTING
  • SYNTHETIC PROMPTING synthesizes questions of higher complexities and lower error rate than vanilla SYNTHETIC PROMPTING


  • Introducing SYNTHETIC PROMPTING, a technique for reasoning with large language models
  • SYNTHETIC PROMPTING uses models as generators of additional examples
  • SYNTHETIC PROMPTING improves reasoning performance on numerical, symbolic, and algorithmic tasks
  • SYNTHETIC PROMPTING uses gold examples as seeds to automatically synthesize more examples